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Summer had returned with its insufferable heat. No temperature differential between the day and evening…ninety degrees and 90% humidity no matter the time.

In one week, James would begin his clinical pathology rotation, migrating to a different area in the laboratory and hospital. In one week, he would be a second year resident. Dr. Coulson’s quotation reverberated through his mind. “It is probable that the ability to diagnose 95 per cent of all the material received in a surgical pathology department can be acquired in a year or less. The other 5 per cent is learned over the rest of one’s professional life.*”

“Woefully inadequate”, James muttered to himself.

He had not spoken to Dr. Nomura since the settlement. He had stopped by his office and was informed by his secretary that he had taken a two week leave of absence.

*Walter Coulson, M.D. Preface to the First Edition of Surgical Pathology 1978.

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